
Shamanism is a generalized term that Western archeologists used to describe the spiritual beliefs and practices of unrelated ethnic groups found in Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Americas. It is based upon the understanding that despite cultural and ethnic differences, all indigenous spiritual traditions have individuals that enter an altered state of consciousness, usually through trance, to communicate with spirits or spiritual beings, so that they can assist human beings in healing themselves and the environment. Archeologists theorize that prior to the advent of organized religion, every culture had a religious practice, which is what is term shamanism. Although in recent years, nonindigenous Western people have culturally appropriate, exploited and misrepresented indigenous religions under the moniker neo-shamanism. The term shamanism is used here to refer to pre-organized religion, and since shamans are pragmatists that are more concerned with achieving results than with theology. Shamans syncretize their beliefs systems with other traditions to help individuals achieve the desired balance needed to improve their life. Therefore, the following books may assist you in your spiritual development: